A Year In Review

Minority & Veteran Farmers of the Piedmont has had an amazing year
donated more than 17,000 lbs. of food to local nonprofits and food banks, including Culpeper Salvation Army, Culpeper Free Clinic, Greene County Food Bank, Orange County Food Bank, Rappahannock Food Bank, Fauquier County Food Bank, and Good Samaritan, Inc.
Northern Piedmont Community Foundation & Path Finders Foundation awarded MVFP with $21,000 in grants. Our board members used the money to create the Growers grant which rewarded $3,000 to seven farms across the Piedmont. Growers grant recipients include ____________.
Minority & Veteran Farmers of the Piedmont received a $37,000 Enhanced Capacity Grant from the PathFinders Foundation. We used this grant to install a new cold storage unit at the George Washington Carver Center.
Through grants and donations, MVFP was able to perform a multitude of educational workshops and trainings for farmers, students, and residents in the Piedmont region. Those trainings include: a beef vaccination workshop, a