Virginia AITC is a statewide educational program providing resources, training and support to schools, educators and volunteers so that they can meaningfully connect children to agriculture. We do this through AITC-designed lessons and resources, educator training workshops, newsletters, school grants, teacher awards, and volunteer projects and initiatives such as Agriculture Literacy Week. Recognizing that instructional time is highly valuable, our lessons are designed to support core subjects and uphold the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

The VDOF is responsible for managing the forest resource on 22 State Forest properties located throughout Virginia. Approximately 67,920 acres of publicly owned forestland are under the State Forest system in tracts ranging from 147 acres in Fauquier County to 19,535 acres in Buckingham and Appomattox Counties. For each of these properties, ten-year forest management plans are prepared to allow scheduled operations such as timber harvests, preparing the site for tree planting, tree planting, timber stand improvement, and intermediate cuttings to occur at the proper time. Forest inventories are made to determine growing conditions in each timber stand and wood volumes are recorded. Mature forest stands are sold in sealed bid timber sales made to private vendors. Sustainable growth is maintained when final harvest occurs, followed by reforestation of harvested lands.
Management of Other State Lands
Seed Orchards
Land Management Mandates
The long-term goal of the Virginia Beginning Farmer & Rancher Coalition (VBFRC) is to improve opportunities for beginning farmers and ranchers to establish and sustain viable agricultural operations and communities in Virginia. To reach our goal, we support the development and enhancement of whole farm planning curriculum and training, online resources, and social networking.

We support all Virginians through auto, home and farm insurance from local agents; deals and savings on shopping, travel and farm equipment; and lobbying, advocacy and education on behalf of Virginia agriculture.
Grain Marketing & Business Development
Access to resources to market your grain, and support for your new or growing agricultural business.
Savings on Farm Equipment
Save on the farm equipment you use the most from trusted brands like Case IH, John Deere and Grainger.
Lobbying & Advocacy
Support for farming and agriculture through lobbying, advocacy and education from the capitol to your backyard. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Virginia Cooperative Extension is an educational outreach program of Virginia's land-grant universities: Virginia Tech and Virginia State University, and a part of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Extension programs are delivered through a network of faculty at two universities, 108 county and city offices, 11 agricultural research and Extension centers, and six 4-H educational centers. Our system incorporates the expertise of faculty in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Natural Resources and Environment, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, and the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station; as well as the College of Agriculture at Virginia State University.

Farm Credit of the Virginias, ACA is part of a nationwide network of cooperative lending institutions that provides financing for:
Farm and country home loans
Land purchase, home construction, and improvements
Buildings, machinery, livestock and equipment
Operating expenses and lines of credit
And much more!
Organic producers and handlers can now apply for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) funds to assist with the cost of receiving or maintaining organic certification. Applications for the Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP) are due Nov. 1, 2021.
“USDA is here to help all producers, including those who grow our nation’s organic food and fiber. Many farmers have told us that cost was a barrier to their ability to get an organic certification,” said Zach Ducheneaux, administrator of USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). “By assisting with the costs, this program can help organic farmers get their certification along with the benefits that come with it.”
OCCSP provides cost-share assistance to producers and handlers of agricultural products for the costs of obtaining or maintaining organic certification under the USDA’s National Organic Program. Eligible producers include any certified producers or handlers who have paid organic certification fees to a USDA-accredited certifying agent during the 2021 and any subsequent program year.
Producers can be reimbursed for expenses made between Oct. 1, 2020 and Sept. 30, 2021 including application fees, inspection costs, fees related to equivalency agreement and arrangement requirements, travel expenses for inspectors, user fees, sales assessments and postage.
For 2021, OCCSP will reimburse 50% of a certified operation’s allowable certification costs, up to a maximum of $500 for each of the following categories (or “scopes”):
crops wild crops
State organic program fees
Organic farmers and ranchers may apply through an FSA county office or a participating state agency.
This funding will be complemented by an additional $20 million for organic and transitioning producers through the Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative.